Monday, 10 August 2015

Dinner Post #3 Slovenian Grandads' Anti-Oxidant Curry.

My Grandad used to cook this for my mum and her siblings when they were younger, and we have been fed it ever since. This recipe is based on my mums' adaptation, but I've added a few cheeky extras to up the taste factor. 

I highly doubt you will find another recipe similar to this, and maybe it seems unusual to have a curry which consists of pork mince, but it is absolutely delicious!I wouldn't say this is strictly typical Slovenian food, as it uses Indian spices, but they do often use Pork Mince in stews and casseroles unlike us British. 

Not only this, but I think people forget the powerful  health properties which are benefactors of spices. They are absolute jam packed full of anti-oxidants, and this recipe contains Beta-Carotene, Selenium and vitamins A and C and E. Recent research is also focusing on whether or not spices withhold metabolism boosting properties, which can aid weight loss. This is due to Capsaicin from peppers boosting metabolism. 

If it's good enough for Jennifer Aniston who vows to have chilli on her eggs each morning, it's good enough for us. 

Spices could be helping burn off fat at an increased rate, so in the words of the Spice Girls 'spice up your life'. This recipe also contains plenty of garlic, and Vitamin C packed Vegetables, so if you feel a cold coming, get this bubbling away on the stove! An ode to my wonderful Grandad Borzo Borstnik. Serve with fluffy rice or Quinoa. 

Ingredients (serves 5-6) 

750g Lean Pork Mince 
1 Red Pepper 
3 Carrots, grated. 
2 handfuls Red Split Lentils
2 Onions 
2 Table Spoons Madras Curry Powder
1 Table Spoon Coriander Powder 
2 Tea Spoons Garam Masala 
3 Cloves Garlic 
3 Table Spoons Tomato Puree 
Chicken Stock pot/cube 
Table Spoon Tomato Ketchup.

1.Heat Olive Oil in a pan and sweat finely chopped onions until soft. Season the onions well, as this will stop them from colouring and going too brown. Then finely chop your pepper and sweat that for a couple of minutes with the onions. 
2. Add the mince, season well with salt and plenty of pepper, and wait until it cooks through. 
3. Now add all of the spices along with the tomato purĂ©e. Let the meat and spices fry away for around 5 minutes before adding any other ingredients. 
4. Grate the carrots, and add those, along with the lentils to the pan. 
5. Squash your garlic into the pan, with the Tomato Ketchup. 
6. Now for some liquid! Add enough water to make the meat really saucy, and then plop your stock in. Give it a final season, and mix together. Cover up and let it simmer away for 45 mins to an hour, or until the sauce has reduced, and it looks glorious!

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